This past December 3rd. we held our First Annual “Heart of a Hero” Benefit Concert.  Because of the efforts of so many we were able to raise over $14,000 for the five families of the fallen firefighters in the latest Esperanza, Ca. wildfire.  Below is a short list of those who donated.  This isn’t a complete list, but we’d like to take this time to thank everyone for their donations and their efforts.

Nashville is a great place. The Country Music community of Nashville joined with Michelle and I in order to help raise money for the families of the 5 fallen firefighters in the Esperanza Wildfire that took place starting 10/26.

Here is a list of artists and companies to date who have pledged items for our raffle/auction:

Big Kenny of Big & Rich, Aaron Tippin, Jenna von Oy, Rodney Adkins, Darryl Worley, Charlie Daniels Jr., Steve Azar, Wynonna, Brook & Dunn, Lonestar, Capitol Records, and Fitzgerald Hartley Management.  Others also donated items.

This year, 2007, we will be in talks with various NASCAR representatives in the hope we can recieve support from both the teams and drivers. 

Why We Do It

December 29, 2006

(note: this unedited post was part of the original website.  Since that time certain elements of the story have been mis-represented by some in the media and others unaware of the true story behind the song.  In posting this original, in no way are we trying to re-write history as it’s come to be known (a.k.a. popular belief).  We post it so that others, who were not here in the beginning, can know the truth.)

November 2001, sirens wailed across the sky. Michelle’s brother lay on the ground dying. Suffering tremendous damage to his head as a result of a criminal act involving a car accident, the first responders were the Menifee Valley Fire Department. They kept Aaron alive.

We often only think of firefighters as fighting fires. That is only a portion of what these brave men do. They respond to accidents, incidents, alarms, of course fires, and as everyone knows, the occasional cat in a tree. They provide a service to the rest of us, much of the time while placing themselves in great danger.

Michelle has a friend whose husband was a firefighter. It was a couple of years after the incident with Aaron that Michelle learned her friend’s husband had died in the line of service. Shortly after hearing the news she called me. She said she had been thinking of writing a song, but the only thing she had was the title, “Heart of a Hero”. I didn’t know anything about her friend or the story behind the title, I only had a title. But I told her I would try and write something for her. An hour later I called Michelle back.

It took about 20 minutes to write the song. I didn’t have anything to go on but the title; but I got to thinking about the story I wanted to write. Could the Hero be our servicemen and women? Certainly both Michelle and I are strong supporters of our men and women in uniform. But that didn’t seem right as everyone was writing songs about the military.

Who else qualifies as a hero? Firefighters! Even before 9/11 when it became so popular to do, I would donate to local firefighter associations. It’s important to support the men who support us.

I picked up my guitar and began strumming, looking for a melody, an opening line, a visual. And it came. “She lays her daughter down, in her bed, rubs her head as she prays”. The song practically wrote itself.

It tells of two heroes. One that rushes into a burning building only to lose his life in order to save a child “just like the one he had at home”. One that has the world on her shoulders because it was her husband that died saving that child and now she has to pick up the pieces and raise their child on her own.

When I called Michelle back I played her the song. It was perfect. We were both amazed, even to this day, that what I chose to write out of that title was the actual story of what happened.

We sincerely want to help the families who have lost a loved on in the line of service, as well as all of our firefighters. That’s why we’ve created this web site and why we are selling the c.d. It’s going to be a challenge to reach our goals. But with your help, and help from others that you talk to, we will be well on our way.

We hope you enjoy the song, and you buy your copy of “Heart of a Hero”. We thank you for your support.

What We Do

December 29, 2006

“Our goal is to help save money for organizations dedicated to helping these families who have lost a loved one in the line of service.”

Paul and Michelle

Each year, more than 100 firefighters  are killed in the line of duty in the United States.

That’s 100 families who have to live on, and try and make it, without their loved one.  Moms, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, and wives are effected each year.  Our goal is to help save money for organizations dedicated to helping these families who have lost a loved one in the line of service.

With each copy of the “Heart of a Hero” c.d. you buy, we will save a portion of the proceeds to send to great charity organizations helping these family members.  Along with your purchase, you will receive an order form asking you to help sell copies of the c.d.  There’s absolutely no obligation, but we ask that you talk to your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors – tell them about “Heart of a Hero” and what we are doing.  Our goal is to save and donate $300,000.  Far beyond our abilities on our own, but with your help, it’s possible. 

The cost of the “Heart of a Hero” cd is $6.00 (this price includes shipping and handling). 

We aren’t “raising” money the traditional way by asking for donations.  You are buying a great product at a very low price.  A beautifully produced and mastered c.d. of the song “Heart of a Hero” sung by Michelle Crowley.

Please, help us make a difference in the lives of those that have lost a loved one. 

If you love great music, you’re going to love this song!  Order your copy today and you can say, “I support our Heroes!”.

Your purchase is greatly appreciated.

Please listen to “Heart of a Hero”.  To purchase your copy and help us help these families out, please send a payment through your Paypal account to sarsip(at)excite(dot)com.

Heart Of A is dedicated to saving money for families of fallen firefighters by selling copies of a c.d. called “Heart Of A Hero”. Professionally recorded in Nashville and featuring Michelle Crowley, it tells of two heroes. One that rushes into a burning building only to lose his life in order to save a child “just like the one he had at home”. One that has the world on her shoulders because it was her husband that died saving that child and now she has to pick up the pieces and raise their child on her own.  Please spread the word by forwarding this site to as many people as you know. The more we can sell, the more we can help. We appreciate all you do and we thank you for your service.

– Paul King and Michelle Crowley

Heart of a Hero

December 28, 2006

This is a holding site for Heart of a

Heart of a is an organization dedicated to raising money for families of fallen firefighters.  In our mission, we sell copies of the song “Heart of a Hero” and hold benefit concerts.  Our latest Benefit Concert was to raise money for the families of the 5 fallen firefighters in the latest California wildfire.  Through our efforts, over $12,000 has been raised so far.

For more info contact: paul at nashvillehype dot com

 “Heart of a Hero” is Copyright 2004 WayLowHalo Music, ascap.  All rights reserved.  Used with permission.

Performed by Michelle Crowley.


December 27, 2006


1. Can I deduct this purchase off my taxes?

No. We are not a 501.3c non-profit corporation. As such we do not accept donations, we sell a product. – A portion of the proceeds we will save to donate to charities we care deeply about.

2. Can I donate money without buying the c.d.?

Yes! But only by going to the page of the charity you would like to donate to. (soon links can be found on the side panel.)

3. When will you donate the money you’ve saved to the charities?

Quarterly we tally the results and send a check.

4. How will we know that you’ve actually sent the money?

We will have an announcement on our page about the amount sent. Additionally you can contact the charity to verify a donation was made.

5. Which charities benefit from the sale of “Heart of a Hero”?

First and foremost, those charities which help the families of fallen firefighters. Secondly, we hope that with better equipment and better training, firefighters deaths will decrease to 0 – thus eliminating the need for Fallen Firefighters charities. Because of this, we support charities like the Leary Foundation, which provides equipment and training to firefighters out in the field.

6. I have a charity benefiting fallen firefighters families. How can I get your assistance?

Please contact us! We will evaluate your charity organization to determine the best course.

7. Where can I buy Michelle Crowley’s full length c.d.?

Unfortunately at this time, Michelle does not have a full length c.d. for sale. However, if you would like to hear some of the recordings that will be on her upcoming c.d. you can visit her personal web site: .

8. Is Michelle available for concert appearances?

Yes! But only on a limited basis and in a limited area at this time. If you are operating a charity we support in the southern California area, please contact us to discuss the details of the event you are producing. If you are a firehouse located in the southern California area and are having a picnic or fundraiser, and you want Michelle to sing at the event, please contact us.

9. What is your contact information?

You can email sarsip at excite dot com and address any questions, comments, or site problems you may have. We will get back to you a.s.a.p.

10. Are you in a hurry?

I’m not, but Michelle may be. You’ll have to ask her. 🙂